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The parish of St John's Orthodox Church and the charitable trust through which it is run (the East of England Orthodox Church - Charity no. 1081707) are entirely self-funded. We rely on the support of our parishioners and friends to help us with our mission and to run the church.

Contributions can be made during each of our services. We also gratefully welcome regular donations by way of standing order.

Natwest account name: "East of England Orthodox Church"

Sort Code: 60-08-17

Account Number: 13674013

By cheque, please make payable to "East of England Orthodox Church".

You can also support our church by making a donation via PayPal (secure connection, no requirement to have a Paypal account).

Thank you for your support.

Kids in Church


Vigil Service, every Saturday at 5:30 pm
Hours and Liturgy, every Sunday at 9am

For a timetable of services, click here

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